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Why you should never own guns in the Peoples Republic of New Jersey. Part 2

Part 1 is here:
I went back to my cell feeling like I was going to throw up. I had to resign myself to my fate. What I could have not known or maybe did not want to know at the time, was that this is the head space my lawyer wanted me to be in. Ready and willing to sign any piece of paper that came my way. Any deal was a good deal for him. Less work you see.
Then came the waiting. The agonizing waiting, soul crushing, brain drain that is the justice system. They say the wheels turn slowly but dear god man, a little oil on the bearings wouldn’t hurt. The others I was locked up with were less fortunate, some waiting as long as 2 years for a trial. In total I spent 11 months and 10 days in jail.
A week into being in my cell I was given a graphic novel by one of the other inmates who was being released. It was ironically enough “V for Vendetta” maybe not SO ironic considering that almost all of the men incarcerated here fantasized that they could take down the system. In a similar style too V himself I assume. This caused self refection. Was I a criminal? Did I break the law? How could I have? I have the second amendment on my side?! Right? Right? Wrong. I found out fast and hard that the state treats not just just parts, but all of the Constitution like some sort of rag that a group of lunatics wrote 200 years ago. In particular the second amendment was just the rantings and ravings of some long dead mad man, who felt that the people of the United States had a right, nay, a duty to defend themselves and their countrymen from tyranny. Even though every politician in this state had sworn to uphold this document, it was only ever so they could stuff their bank accounts with money.
During my stay at the the local pokey, I was sent to the hospital twice after receiving 2 severe beatings carried out by multiple gang members both times for no particular reason other than to steal what little I had. Fighting back had occurred to me, and heck I had gotten rather good at fighting back in high school, mostly due to a combination of a lack of F’s and my quick cutting wit that much dumber more violent prone people found infuriating. Because of this I had learned to back my mouth up with my fists. I was never one to throw the first punch but sometimes depending on the opponent I was the last. I was, and still am level headed and never quick to anger. Nor have I ever gained ANY sort of pleasure from hurting anyone. Ever. Have I ever hoped that someone would get struck by lightning or get hit by a bus? oh you bet ya’. I digress, The reason I never fought back came in the form of an unusual and interesting visit form an old friend. Get reddy for an M. Night Shyamalan level twist folks, probably followed by a lot of off topic weirdness.
Remember the crazy old man that tipped off the police in the first place? Well here he was, in front of me in jail and in my cell with me, flesh and bone. Honestly It took me a second to recognize him, he was my new bunk mate. Perfect. Here he stood shaking and sweating and avoiding eye contact with me. All I could do was laugh. God I laughed it seemed almost an alien thing to me, after not having done it in so long. I laughed so hard I almost blacked out. I laughed until I could laugh no longer then all I could muster was a giggle that lasted for several minutes.
When I was done I looked at him and asked directly “what are you in for?” he sighed and sat on the bed next to me looking defeated and mumbled “Guns.” I said with astonishment “Guns?” he looked at me and nodded and began recounting his story. “See when I called the police on you, oh and I’m sorry about that by the way, I was jealous, of your guns, I wanted them and I figured if I couldn’t have one, I didn’t want you to have one.” This is where It started to sink in, this man was mentally disabled, he had the mannerisms and speech patterns of a 5 or 6 year old, let alone the sheer level of pettiness that could only be compared to a child’s. With this new information in hand I then asked him “what did you tell the police to make them come to my house?”, this being an unanswered question at this point. He grimaced and said “I told them you where walking around the hallway with your gun, I told them you where going around knocking on doors with your gun I told them this too because I got scared and didn’t want them to find the parts in my house” I laughed grimly and said “How did that go for you” he just slumped down into his chest and exhaled.
I asked him what happened next and he picked up where he left off “they started to talk to the other people in the building about you and they kept saying how you might be a little crazy with because of how you look, and the fact you had women over that looked like hookers all the time” the word “hooker” really stuck in his mouth for a second and his eyes darted too and then away from me “but they kept saying the person they should really be investigating was me”. He looked crestfallen and shook his head in what I could only assume was disappointment in himself.
This was a point of fact though, regarding the other tenants in the building, they where an older crowd who did not appreciate my loud music or the sloppy way I parked my car. Or as I was finding out now the kinds of women I dated. I have and still do have a taste for the dark and mysterious type, in retrospect their clothing choices did leave little too the imagination. But heck I was 21 years old with my own place, the house was always rocking, but still no reason to condemn a man right? Well ok I admit I was obnoxious and I could have been a little quieter and kinder to those folks.
One woman later remarked on the subsequent news article about my case online that she “wasn’t surprised that I was some kind of satanic terrorist bomb builder, hell bent on building weapons of mass destruction, for the express purpose of murdering toddlers and the elderly, because she heard from Betty Lu down the hall who heard from the property manager, that I blew up my toilet on Halloween night” not literally what she said but it was implied. Anyway In my defense regarding the toilet incident, that had NOTHING to do with explosives.
It had everything to do with a “great” decorating idea I had for All Hallows Eve. See I had gotten my hands on dry ice, I was mixing it in to the cocktails to give it that “spooky” witches brew aesthetic that some of the trendy bars do (and yes if your doing your math correctly I was 20 at the time and drinking under age, don’t judge there are far worse things dear reader I’m sure you have done, I won’t tell if you won’t. Deal?) anyway I had a huge surplus of dry ice and whilst draining the alcohol from my body my addled brain decided to completely pack the toilet bowl with dry Ice. Why you ask? Well why not? I ask you. Given the naturally low volume of water that was already in the toilet and the massive amount of dry ice I placed into it, the short version is, I got the porcelain cold enough to freeze the water solid in the trap of the toilet thus breaking out a neat little hole in the side of it. This stroke of brilliance forced my guests to relieve themselves in my sink and shower. Gross? Yes. I know, I was there. Any-who I digress yet again.
Back in the Cell the old man continued by saying “So thats what they did, they searched my house and came up with some gun parts I was collecting to build a gun, they arrested me and now I’m here with you”. This was rich, Karma in action I suppose. Here sat the man who had condemned me, face to face. This was strange, I couldn’t shake the feeling that this was some kind of test. Paranoia has a way of worming it self into your brain when locked in a cell 23 hours a day. I asked him “When did they arrest you” he replied a bit sheepishly “About 5 hours after you, i’ve been in the other side of the jail for 2 months.”
Thats when it hit me, this could not be a coincidence. Out of all the cells in here he was in mine. I felt like I was being watched, like they wanted to see how I would react. Would I beat him to death? Would I confess things to him? Was he here to gather information on me? Like I said, I could not hold any malice towards this man. He was brain addled, blaming him for his actions would be unfair. But his presence was a good tip off that they either had nothing on me, they they needed more solid evidence. Proof that either I was a dangerous vindictive lunatic like I was portrayed to be or plotting and scheming to do something. After this wakeup call, I realized I was being watched like a hawk, I vowed to never fight back If put into a physical altercation, I would just roll over and take it with the exceptions of rape and being confronted with actual murderous intent. I refrained even more from talking, preferring to remain in my cell and quietly read the books my family had sent to me.
Of the books I requested one was the full writings of Thomas Paine, an English-born American political activist, philosopher, political theorist, and revolutionary, also a copy of the Constitution of the U.S.A.. These books only fueled my fire to get out of the system and initiate change, something I would latter come to find out was a bigger chunk than I could fit in my mouth. “If only I could write a letter to someone and explain my situation” I thought, maybe I would be vindicated. But I could not think of who would care and furthermore If I did know, what was their address? The media sure didn’t care. They where one of the reasons I was not flying under the radar in the first place.
My Father and Grandmother where of great help to me during this time. They visited when they could, and sent me books. An assortment of other friends sent me letters, including my estranged mother in Florida who had done time in prison herself for meth possession. I keep these letters to this day, they mean the world to me and remind me that I can rely on friends even in the darkest of times. If any of you are reading this, Thank you.
My father met up with my lawyer several times. He seemed to think that he was doing right by me. Up until my father brought up the time that he expressed his concerned that I was never read my Miranda Warning, and that my signature was obviously forged on the consent to search form. According to him the lawyer responded in the same manner as he had to me, except going as far as to say “In a case like this, a high profile one, due the nature of the crime and its severity judges are willing to look over trivial matters like this.” Upon hearing this, he tried to hire a lawyer that would take the case but, all of them would either quote him some exorbitant sum of money or would just hang up the phone on him, so he gave up. Who could blame the man?
“Trivial matters like this.” this kills me, even now while writing it.
But that is the point. We can argue all day about the Second Amendment, you can say that citizens have no actual right to bear arms, and you would be wrong in the worst way. But the 4th amendment is clear; “The right of the people to be secure in their persons, houses, papers, and effects, against unreasonable searches and seizures, shall not be violated, and no Warrants shall issue, but upon probable cause, supported by Oath or affirmation, and particularly describing the place to be searched, and the persons or things to be seized.” This is no “Trivial” matter. What had transpired to me was in fact every violation of this human right.
Ah, but for the quick witted and nimble minded, you will pick out the line “supported by Oath or affirmation”. For this to be of any legal meaning, one must sign an affidavit. From the very pages of a legal dictionary the definition is as follows; “ Affirmation. A solemn and formal declaration of the truth of a statement, such as an Affidavit or the actual or prospective testimony of a witness or a party that takes the place of an oath. An affirmation is also used when a person cannot take an oath because of religious convictions.” In short a phone call from your neighbor is not enough. Here is an excerpt from a text book for training police officers explaining the 7 exceptions to a search warrant:
“Knowing how to legally search a person, place or thing and properly seizing evidence are basic requisites to the investigative process. Officers also must have a clear understanding of when a search and/or arrest warrant is required and when it s not.
The Fourth Amendment protects citizens from unreasonable government searches and seizures of their persons, houses, papers, and effects. The Fourth Amendment also states no warrants shall be issued but upon probable cause, supported by oath or affirmation, and particularly describing the place to be searched and the person or things to be seized. (Minnesota v. Dickerson, 113 S. Ct. 2130 (1993)1.
However, both the U.S. Supreme Court and federal courts have carved out specific, limited exceptions to the Fourth Amendment search warrant requirement, which are commonly referred to as the seven exceptions to the search warrant rule.
The seven exceptions to the Fourth Amendment are exigent circumstances, search incidental to a lawful arrest, consent, plain view, caretaker function, inventory/impounded vehicles and motor vehicle.Exigent Circumstances”
Exigent means emergency, which means under life saving circumstances. Example: An elderly person in a wheel chair is trapped inside a burning apartment. Because lives are at stake, an officer can forcibly enter the apartment without a search warrant to rescue the person. The key: time and public need. The officer doesn t have time to get a warrant, and there s an immediate risk of harm to the public that requires immediate official action.
Another example: a situation in which public safety is paramount. If officers are being shot at, they may have to conduct a search of premises or a building without a search warrant because both the officers and the public are in imminent danger. Likewise, if an officer has probable cause to believe evidence is going to be destroyed, or if an officer is in hot pursuit of an escaped felon who runs into a house, a warrant isn t required. In Mincey v. Arizona (1978)2, the Supreme Court ruled officers don t have to delay a search if doing so endangers their lives or others.
Search Incident to Lawful Arrest
In a 1973 U.S. Supreme Court decision (United States v. Robinson, 17 414 U.S. 218)3, the Court stated, It is the fact of the lawful arrest which establishes the authority to search, and we hold that in the case of the lawful custodial arrest a full search of the person is not only an exception to the warrant requirement of the Fourth Amendment, but is also a reasonable search under the amendment.
The arrest must be valid under law. For the search without a warrant to be valid, the officer must be able to specifically articulate probable cause that the person committed a crime and there must have been an intention on the part of the officer to arrest prior to the search of the person. What is prohibited is the search of a person who is not yet under arrest in which contraband is found and then an arrest for possession of the contraband based on that search. The search of a person under arrest is subject to the areas under that person s immediate control (Chimel v. California, 395 U.S. 752 (1969)4.
Example: The police observe a woman with a purse commit a crime. Officers may search her purse without a warrant. If officers find contraband and/or evidence of a crime in the purse, officers may charge the woman for both the original incident and for the evidence found in the purse.
Good report writing is key here. It s important for the officer to articulate the probable cause factors leading the officer to believe the woman committed a crime and the search of the purse was incidental to the arrest.
Officers and prosecutors face the heavy burden of proof, and searching a person or place with consent always presents problematic legal issues. Officers must prove the defendant voluntarily consented to a search, and there were no threats or promises of any kind.
Officers can search without a warrant if they have consent from a person who has the authority to give it. Probable cause is not required if the consent is knowingly and intelligently given.
In addition, there are several legal issues officers must overcome when conducting interviews, interrogating and taking statements and confessions, including:
  1. Who can consent to a search;
  2. What constitutes voluntarily consent; and
  3. What limitations does the law impose on those conducting the search.
Age is also considered in legally defining consent. A child can t give consent, so you must know the age a person is considered to be a child in your state. Likewise, a parent may consent to the search of a child s room where no rent is paid, but a hotel manager or landlord may not provide legal consent to search unless the room or apartment is abandoned.
In addition, it s difficult to prove a person impaired by alcohol, drugs, a mental condition (psychological and/or genetic dysfunction), injury or a language barrier voluntarily gave consent. In a 1990 decision, (Illinois v. Rodriguez 497 U.S. 177)5 the U.S. Supreme Court ruled a person can consent to a search if the facts available to the officer at the time of entry warrant a man of reasonable caution to believe the consenting party has authority over the premises.
Most officers carry a legal form with carefully written consent-to-search language people sign to indicate their voluntary consent to the search. However, in a 1973 Supreme Court decision (Schneckloth v. Bustamonte, 412 U.S. 218)6, the court ruled officers don t have to specifically advise an individual they don t have to consent. A person s consent, even if in writing, can be withdrawn at any time and the police must stop searching.
Plain View
If an officer is lawfully in a place and has probable cause to believe an item is contraband, stolen, property or other evidence of a crime, the officer can seize it without a search warrant. This is known as the plain-view doctrine.
In Horton v. California (496 U.S. 128)7, the Court reiterated when an officer has a right to be where they are, anything an officer observes in plain view is not the product of a search and is admissible as evidence. Example: An officer pulls over a car during a traffic stop and sees the handle of a gun protruding from under the passenger seat. If the motorist is not in legal possession of the weapon, the officer may seize it and charge the motorist with a criminal offense.
The courts have also repeatedly ruled that officers may use visual enhancement devices, such as flashlights and binoculars. In fact, it s common for cities to have cameras mounted in public places with officers in kiosks viewing television monitors.
Caretaker Function
People routinely turn over found property to the police. Officers on patrol also come across found or abandoned property and take it into their possession until its owner can be located.
Officers taking property into their care can search the items without a warrant. Example: If a footlocker is turned over to the police, officers have the right to open it without a search warrant to determine if its contents are dangerous to them or the public or if its contents can identify the owner.
Impounded Vehicles Inventory
Can a car towed by the police be searched without a warrant? In 1976 in South Dakota v. Opperman (428, U.S. 364)8, the court ruled that impounded vehicles may be searched and inventoried using the standard police procedures to secure the vehicles and its contents. This is similar to the caretaker-function exception to the Fourth Amendment.
If an officer found contraband or evidence of a crime during the inventory of the vehicle and had probable cause to believe it belonged to the registered owner or an arrested person, the officer has a basis for an arrest. The court has pointed out that the inventory search cannot be used as a pretext for discovering incriminating evidence, and it s best if a department has written policy requiring officers to inventory all towed and impounded vehicles.
If you want to search a vehicle that s part of a crime scene, obtain a search warrant. If a person was found shot to death in a vehicle, after the body was removed, you d certainly want to obtain a search warrant to thoroughly process the car for items of evidentiary value.
Motor Vehicle Exception
Fourth Amendment protection against searching motor vehicles without a search warrant has diminished over time. In 1925, the court ruled in Carroll v. United States (2657 U.S. 132)9 that if there was probable cause for an officer to secure a search warrant, it may be impractical because the vehicle was movable.
In a 1981 case (New York v. Belton, 453 U.S. 454)10, the Supreme Court ruled that when a police officer arrests a person in a vehicle, the officer may search the vehicle s passenger compartment, including any open or closed containers, but not the trunk.
In 1999, the court ruled in Maryland v. Dyson (527 U.S. 465)11 that a warrantless search of a vehicle may be justified if an officer has probable cause to believe the vehicle contains contraband, controlled substances or criminal evidence. The court reiterated that although the search is limited to areas where the officer has probable cause to believe an item may be located, the search extends to any container found that might contain the item.
Keep in mind that stopping a vehicle for a routine violation doesn t mean there s probable cause to believe the vehicle contains contraband, controlled substances or evidence of a crime.
It has been my experience that obtaining a search warrant is almost always preferable than searching a person, place or thing without one. Officers must keep in mind that just because we re legally able to search without a warrant, it doesn t mean it s the wise thing to do.
  1. Minnesota v. Dickerson, 113 S. Ct. 2130 (1993)
  2. Mincey v. Arizona (1978).
  3. United States v. Robinson, 17 414 U.S. 218).
  4. Chimel v. California, 395 U.S. 752 (1969).
  5. Illinois v. Rodriguez 497 U.S. 177).
  6. Schneckloth v. Bustamonte, 412 U.S. 218).
  7. Horton v. California (496 U.S. 128).
  8. South Dakota v. Opperman (428, U.S. 364).
  9. Carroll v. United States (2657 U.S. 132).
  10. New York v. Belton, 453 U.S. 454).
  11. Maryland v. Dyson (527 U.S. 465).
Several weeks latter they moved me to what they called the “annex”, basically an office building converted into a mini jail. This is where they put their low risk prisoners. There were multiple inmates in each dorm, all the doors to the dorms were never locked. At some point before I got there, they had covered the windows so you could not see out of them. According to one of the guards, this was due to an incident that had occurred, where one of the inmates wives would stand in the street and expose herself to him while he was standing at the window.
Too compound this misery, we were not let outside at any point. According to the facility staff, their reasoning was that there were no facilities for it. So here I sat tired, beaten, broken, and driven mad from literally walking up and down the hall of this building for 16 hours out of 24 in a day, not able to see the outside, breath fresh air or as fresh as one can get in Newark NJ anyway, but it was all I could do.
After several months of this, there came word that my lawyer was coming to see me. The day came and I was led to a meeting room, in my right hand I held my copy of Thomas Paine’s Rights Of Man. In my left my case file. I was totally unprepared for what was about to happen next. He entered the room with a smile the first time I had seen him do so and plopped a pile of paperwork on the table. “I have good news! your judge and prosecutor where changed and he is willing to cut a deal”. I was not happy with this, I wanted the case thrown out on the grounds of illegal search and seizure.
I expressed this to him yet again to no avail. He just said “listen, this is a good deal, 5 years probation and a psyche evaluation. Thats it.” He sat back in his seat and continued “You could be out of here in the next couple of days, you could be back home” I became despondent, then I processed the information and it strengthened my resolve. I blurted out “why would they give me such a great deal, unless they hoped I would take it and avoid trial.” he was nonplussed by this, and retorted “As your legal council I am telling you to take the deal, if you want to take this to trial it will be another year at best, on top of that you are most likely going to loose”. I never took into consideration even the thought of loosing, it wasn’t possible in my own mind. But when I showed the court evidence that there was wrong doing on their part. I was going to be sentenced for a minimum of 35 years. He was right. I was wrong.
None the less I continued to try to rationalize this, “I didn’t kill or hurt anyone nor was I planning to, and they didn’t find any evidence that suggested I would, and furthermore in all of the interviews the FBI did with my friends, family and co-workers, they could not find one person that had any doubt of my sanity or morale standing, not one.” this was met with silence.
Looking back at all I had been through, the corruption, the deception. I knew it in my heart. I was going to loose if I took this to trial. So slumping down in my chair I said “ok we do this your way, for the record I am not happy with it.” he sighed “you are making the right choice, your charges will be downgraded too 2, failure to register a firearm and the improper storage of dangerous chemicals, think of it like this, you complete the probation and 5–10 years down the road after your final day you get your record expunged.” This is unique to NJ, for certain offenses your criminal record can be sealed all the way up to the federal level. All for a hefty fee of course.
A week passed and I had my day in court. While being held in the cell adjacent to the courtroom the prosecutor came in to speak to me. He was nice, an older gentleman from the midwest as I can recall. His tone was that of sympathy, and I’m still not sure whether this was some sort of ploy to get me to agree to the deal but I had already signed the papers so probably not. Regardless of that he explained that there was media outside and because of that he explained “We can’t just throw this case out you know, the media is still keen on seeing you convicted.” and thats when it all came crashing down around me.
He knew, this man knew my rights had been infringed. He knew that If I had gone to trial I would have been acquitted on the spot, but I was just another conviction under his belt. And is this was not the case, the fact that he would only seek a conviction based on the medias expectations, this shows the state of affairs in the NJ justice system. He also informed me that they had abruptly changed the time of my sentencing, so that the proceedings could take place in relative peace. Without the presence of the media. Who latter reported on my sentence.
It proceeded without incident. I was sentenced to 1 year of time served, 5 years probation with the condition that I submit myself to a psyche evaluation within the first month of my release. I still was not happy with the outcome. I remain convinced that due process had not been applied to me.
I reported for probation. On my first day the officer assigned to me stared in amazement at my file. He had apparently in his 20 something years of doing his job, never seen someone with my charges ever receive probation. He openly and vocally mocked me and even went soo far as to call me “the next unabomber” to the other officers he brought in to his office to gawk at me. They all laughed at my expense. Unbeknownst to them I was just a harmless goof ball, and their accusations really did cut to the bone, but I held my tongue. I have had and will always have thick skin you see.
I was directed to attend a month of bi-weekly therapy sessions with a psychologist, with the express purpose of determining my morality and mental stability. After completion of this I was given a clean bill of health by the doctor, who filled out a report on me, and she even wrote in her closing statements “If anyone has a right to responsibly own a gun it is him”, an addition I believe that was unnecessary, but was a boost to my self esteem.
I completed my probation, got married, and landed a good career. But this ordeal has done damage to me. I now have a fear, and distrust for police even when they are in line at the coffee shop in front of me, even meeting a cop out of uniform makes me uncomfortable. My trust in the system has all been stripped away and I will spend the rest of my life constantly looking over my shoulder. I have panic attacks when people knock on my door and honestly avoid answering it all together. So in conclusion don’t bring your firearms to NJ in fact if you want to exercise your rights maybe find another state that will respect them.
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Why you should never own guns in the Peoples Republic of New Jersey. Part 2

I went back to my cell feeling like I was going to throw up. I had to resign myself to my fate. What I could have not known or maybe did not want to know at the time, was that this is the head space my lawyer wanted me to be in. Ready and willing to sign any piece of paper that came my way. Any deal was a good deal for him. Less work you see.
Then came the waiting. The agonizing waiting, soul crushing, brain drain that is the justice system. They say the wheels turn slowly but dear god man, a little oil on the bearings wouldn’t hurt. The others I was locked up with were less fortunate, some waiting as long as 2 years for a trial. In total I spent 11 months and 10 days in jail.
A week into being in my cell I was given a graphic novel by one of the other inmates who was being released. It was ironically enough “V for Vendetta” maybe not SO ironic considering that almost all of the men incarcerated here fantasized that they could take down the system. In a similar style too V himself I assume. This caused self refection. Was I a criminal? Did I break the law? How could I have? I have the second amendment on my side?! Right? Right? Wrong. I found out fast and hard that the state treats not just just parts, but all of the Constitution like some sort of rag that a group of lunatics wrote 200 years ago. In particular the second amendment was just the rantings and ravings of some long dead mad man, who felt that the people of the United States had a right, nay, a duty to defend themselves and their countrymen from tyranny. Even though every politician in this state had sworn to uphold this document, it was only ever so they could stuff their bank accounts with money.
During my stay at the the local pokey, I was sent to the hospital twice after receiving 2 severe beatings carried out by multiple gang members both times for no particular reason other than to steal what little I had. Fighting back had occurred to me, and heck I had gotten rather good at fighting back in high school, mostly due to a combination of a lack of F’s and my quick cutting wit that much dumber more violent prone people found infuriating. Because of this I had learned to back my mouth up with my fists. I was never one to throw the first punch but sometimes depending on the opponent I was the last. I was, and still am level headed and never quick to anger. Nor have I ever gained ANY sort of pleasure from hurting anyone. Ever. Have I ever hoped that someone would get struck by lightning or get hit by a bus? oh you bet ya’. I digress, The reason I never fought back came in the form of an unusual and interesting visit form an old friend. Get reddy for an M. Night Shyamalan level twist folks, probably followed by a lot of off topic weirdness.
Remember the crazy old man that tipped off the police in the first place? Well here he was, in front of me in jail and in my cell with me, flesh and bone. Honestly It took me a second to recognize him, he was my new bunk mate. Perfect. Here he stood shaking and sweating and avoiding eye contact with me. All I could do was laugh. God I laughed it seemed almost an alien thing to me, after not having done it in so long. I laughed so hard I almost blacked out. I laughed until I could laugh no longer then all I could muster was a giggle that lasted for several minutes.
When I was done I looked at him and asked directly “what are you in for?” he sighed and sat on the bed next to me looking defeated and mumbled “Guns.” I said with astonishment “Guns?” he looked at me and nodded and began recounting his story. “See when I called the police on you, oh and I’m sorry about that by the way, I was jealous, of your guns, I wanted them and I figured if I couldn’t have one, I didn’t want you to have one.” This is where It started to sink in, this man was mentally disabled, he had the mannerisms and speech patterns of a 5 or 6 year old, let alone the sheer level of pettiness that could only be compared to a child’s. With this new information in hand I then asked him “what did you tell the police to make them come to my house?”, this being an unanswered question at this point. He grimaced and said “I told them you where walking around the hallway with your gun, I told them you where going around knocking on doors with your gun I told them this too because I got scared and didn’t want them to find the parts in my house” I laughed grimly and said “How did that go for you” he just slumped down into his chest and exhaled.
I asked him what happened next and he picked up where he left off “they started to talk to the other people in the building about you and they kept saying how you might be a little crazy with because of how you look, and the fact you had women over that looked like hookers all the time” the word “hooker” really stuck in his mouth for a second and his eyes darted too and then away from me “but they kept saying the person they should really be investigating was me”. He looked crestfallen and shook his head in what I could only assume was disappointment in himself.
This was a point of fact though, regarding the other tenants in the building, they where an older crowd who did not appreciate my loud music or the sloppy way I parked my car. Or as I was finding out now the kinds of women I dated. I have and still do have a taste for the dark and mysterious type, in retrospect their clothing choices did leave little too the imagination. But heck I was 21 years old with my own place, the house was always rocking, but still no reason to condemn a man right? Well ok I admit I was obnoxious and I could have been a little quieter and kinder to those folks.
One woman later remarked on the subsequent news article about my case online that she “wasn’t surprised that I was some kind of satanic terrorist bomb builder, hell bent on building weapons of mass destruction, for the express purpose of murdering toddlers and the elderly, because she heard from Betty Lu down the hall who heard from the property manager, that I blew up my toilet on Halloween night” not literally what she said but it was implied. Anyway In my defense regarding the toilet incident, that had NOTHING to do with explosives.
It had everything to do with a “great” decorating idea I had for All Hallows Eve. See I had gotten my hands on dry ice, I was mixing it in to the cocktails to give it that “spooky” witches brew aesthetic that some of the trendy bars do (and yes if your doing your math correctly I was 20 at the time and drinking under age, don’t judge there are far worse things dear reader I’m sure you have done, I won’t tell if you won’t. Deal?) anyway I had a huge surplus of dry ice and whilst draining the alcohol from my body my addled brain decided to completely pack the toilet bowl with dry Ice. Why you ask? Well why not? I ask you. Given the naturally low volume of water that was already in the toilet and the massive amount of dry ice I placed into it, the short version is, I got the porcelain cold enough to freeze the water solid in the trap of the toilet thus breaking out a neat little hole in the side of it. This stroke of brilliance forced my guests to relieve themselves in my sink and shower. Gross? Yes. I know, I was there. Any-who I digress yet again.
Back in the Cell the old man continued by saying “So thats what they did, they searched my house and came up with some gun parts I was collecting to build a gun, they arrested me and now I’m here with you”. This was rich, Karma in action I suppose. Here sat the man who had condemned me, face to face. This was strange, I couldn’t shake the feeling that this was some kind of test. Paranoia has a way of worming it self into your brain when locked in a cell 23 hours a day. I asked him “When did they arrest you” he replied a bit sheepishly “About 5 hours after you, i’ve been in the other side of the jail for 2 months.”
Thats when it hit me, this could not be a coincidence. Out of all the cells in here he was in mine. I felt like I was being watched, like they wanted to see how I would react. Would I beat him to death? Would I confess things to him? Was he here to gather information on me? Like I said, I could not hold any malice towards this man. He was brain addled, blaming him for his actions would be unfair. But his presence was a good tip off that they either had nothing on me, they they needed more solid evidence. Proof that either I was a dangerous vindictive lunatic like I was portrayed to be or plotting and scheming to do something. After this wakeup call, I realized I was being watched like a hawk, I vowed to never fight back If put into a physical altercation, I would just roll over and take it with the exceptions of rape and being confronted with actual murderous intent. I refrained even more from talking, preferring to remain in my cell and quietly read the books my family had sent to me.
Of the books I requested one was the full writings of Thomas Paine, an English-born American political activist, philosopher, political theorist, and revolutionary, also a copy of the Constitution of the U.S.A.. These books only fueled my fire to get out of the system and initiate change, something I would latter come to find out was a bigger chunk than I could fit in my mouth. “If only I could write a letter to someone and explain my situation” I thought, maybe I would be vindicated. But I could not think of who would care and furthermore If I did know, what was their address? The media sure didn’t care. They where one of the reasons I was not flying under the radar in the first place.
My Father and Grandmother where of great help to me during this time. They visited when they could, and sent me books. An assortment of other friends sent me letters, including my estranged mother in Florida who had done time in prison herself for meth possession. I keep these letters to this day, they mean the world to me and remind me that I can rely on friends even in the darkest of times. If any of you are reading this, Thank you.
My father met up with my lawyer several times. He seemed to think that he was doing right by me. Up until my father brought up the time that he expressed his concerned that I was never read my Miranda Warning, and that my signature was obviously forged on the consent to search form. According to him the lawyer responded in the same manner as he had to me, except going as far as to say “In a case like this, a high profile one, due the nature of the crime and its severity judges are willing to look over trivial matters like this.” Upon hearing this, he tried to hire a lawyer that would take the case but, all of them would either quote him some exorbitant sum of money or would just hang up the phone on him, so he gave up. Who could blame the man?
“Trivial matters like this.” this kills me, even now while writing it.
But that is the point. We can argue all day about the Second Amendment, you can say that citizens have no actual right to bear arms, and you would be wrong in the worst way. But the 4th amendment is clear; “The right of the people to be secure in their persons, houses, papers, and effects, against unreasonable searches and seizures, shall not be violated, and no Warrants shall issue, but upon probable cause, supported by Oath or affirmation, and particularly describing the place to be searched, and the persons or things to be seized.” This is no “Trivial” matter. What had transpired to me was in fact every violation of this human right.
Ah, but for the quick witted and nimble minded, you will pick out the line “supported by Oath or affirmation”. For this to be of any legal meaning, one must sign an affidavit. From the very pages of a legal dictionary the definition is as follows; “ Affirmation. A solemn and formal declaration of the truth of a statement, such as an Affidavit or the actual or prospective testimony of a witness or a party that takes the place of an oath. An affirmation is also used when a person cannot take an oath because of religious convictions.” In short a phone call from your neighbor is not enough. Here is an excerpt from a text book for training police officers explaining the 7 exceptions to a search warrant:
“Knowing how to legally search a person, place or thing and properly seizing evidence are basic requisites to the investigative process. Officers also must have a clear understanding of when a search and/or arrest warrant is required and when it s not.
The Fourth Amendment protects citizens from unreasonable government searches and seizures of their persons, houses, papers, and effects. The Fourth Amendment also states no warrants shall be issued but upon probable cause, supported by oath or affirmation, and particularly describing the place to be searched and the person or things to be seized. (Minnesota v. Dickerson, 113 S. Ct. 2130 (1993)1.
However, both the U.S. Supreme Court and federal courts have carved out specific, limited exceptions to the Fourth Amendment search warrant requirement, which are commonly referred to as the seven exceptions to the search warrant rule.
The seven exceptions to the Fourth Amendment are exigent circumstances, search incidental to a lawful arrest, consent, plain view, caretaker function, inventory/impounded vehicles and motor vehicle.Exigent Circumstances”
Exigent means emergency, which means under life saving circumstances. Example: An elderly person in a wheel chair is trapped inside a burning apartment. Because lives are at stake, an officer can forcibly enter the apartment without a search warrant to rescue the person. The key: time and public need. The officer doesn t have time to get a warrant, and there s an immediate risk of harm to the public that requires immediate official action.
Another example: a situation in which public safety is paramount. If officers are being shot at, they may have to conduct a search of premises or a building without a search warrant because both the officers and the public are in imminent danger. Likewise, if an officer has probable cause to believe evidence is going to be destroyed, or if an officer is in hot pursuit of an escaped felon who runs into a house, a warrant isn t required. In Mincey v. Arizona (1978)2, the Supreme Court ruled officers don t have to delay a search if doing so endangers their lives or others.
Search Incident to Lawful Arrest
In a 1973 U.S. Supreme Court decision (United States v. Robinson, 17 414 U.S. 218)3, the Court stated, It is the fact of the lawful arrest which establishes the authority to search, and we hold that in the case of the lawful custodial arrest a full search of the person is not only an exception to the warrant requirement of the Fourth Amendment, but is also a reasonable search under the amendment.
The arrest must be valid under law. For the search without a warrant to be valid, the officer must be able to specifically articulate probable cause that the person committed a crime and there must have been an intention on the part of the officer to arrest prior to the search of the person. What is prohibited is the search of a person who is not yet under arrest in which contraband is found and then an arrest for possession of the contraband based on that search. The search of a person under arrest is subject to the areas under that person s immediate control (Chimel v. California, 395 U.S. 752 (1969)4.
Example: The police observe a woman with a purse commit a crime. Officers may search her purse without a warrant. If officers find contraband and/or evidence of a crime in the purse, officers may charge the woman for both the original incident and for the evidence found in the purse.
Good report writing is key here. It s important for the officer to articulate the probable cause factors leading the officer to believe the woman committed a crime and the search of the purse was incidental to the arrest.
Officers and prosecutors face the heavy burden of proof, and searching a person or place with consent always presents problematic legal issues. Officers must prove the defendant voluntarily consented to a search, and there were no threats or promises of any kind.
Officers can search without a warrant if they have consent from a person who has the authority to give it. Probable cause is not required if the consent is knowingly and intelligently given.
In addition, there are several legal issues officers must overcome when conducting interviews, interrogating and taking statements and confessions, including:
  1. Who can consent to a search;
  2. What constitutes voluntarily consent; and
  3. What limitations does the law impose on those conducting the search.
Age is also considered in legally defining consent. A child can t give consent, so you must know the age a person is considered to be a child in your state. Likewise, a parent may consent to the search of a child s room where no rent is paid, but a hotel manager or landlord may not provide legal consent to search unless the room or apartment is abandoned.
In addition, it s difficult to prove a person impaired by alcohol, drugs, a mental condition (psychological and/or genetic dysfunction), injury or a language barrier voluntarily gave consent. In a 1990 decision, (Illinois v. Rodriguez 497 U.S. 177)5 the U.S. Supreme Court ruled a person can consent to a search if the facts available to the officer at the time of entry warrant a man of reasonable caution to believe the consenting party has authority over the premises.
Most officers carry a legal form with carefully written consent-to-search language people sign to indicate their voluntary consent to the search. However, in a 1973 Supreme Court decision (Schneckloth v. Bustamonte, 412 U.S. 218)6, the court ruled officers don t have to specifically advise an individual they don t have to consent. A person s consent, even if in writing, can be withdrawn at any time and the police must stop searching.
Plain View
If an officer is lawfully in a place and has probable cause to believe an item is contraband, stolen, property or other evidence of a crime, the officer can seize it without a search warrant. This is known as the plain-view doctrine.
In Horton v. California (496 U.S. 128)7, the Court reiterated when an officer has a right to be where they are, anything an officer observes in plain view is not the product of a search and is admissible as evidence. Example: An officer pulls over a car during a traffic stop and sees the handle of a gun protruding from under the passenger seat. If the motorist is not in legal possession of the weapon, the officer may seize it and charge the motorist with a criminal offense.
The courts have also repeatedly ruled that officers may use visual enhancement devices, such as flashlights and binoculars. In fact, it s common for cities to have cameras mounted in public places with officers in kiosks viewing television monitors.
Caretaker Function
People routinely turn over found property to the police. Officers on patrol also come across found or abandoned property and take it into their possession until its owner can be located.
Officers taking property into their care can search the items without a warrant. Example: If a footlocker is turned over to the police, officers have the right to open it without a search warrant to determine if its contents are dangerous to them or the public or if its contents can identify the owner.
Impounded Vehicles Inventory
Can a car towed by the police be searched without a warrant? In 1976 in South Dakota v. Opperman (428, U.S. 364)8, the court ruled that impounded vehicles may be searched and inventoried using the standard police procedures to secure the vehicles and its contents. This is similar to the caretaker-function exception to the Fourth Amendment.
If an officer found contraband or evidence of a crime during the inventory of the vehicle and had probable cause to believe it belonged to the registered owner or an arrested person, the officer has a basis for an arrest. The court has pointed out that the inventory search cannot be used as a pretext for discovering incriminating evidence, and it s best if a department has written policy requiring officers to inventory all towed and impounded vehicles.
If you want to search a vehicle that s part of a crime scene, obtain a search warrant. If a person was found shot to death in a vehicle, after the body was removed, you d certainly want to obtain a search warrant to thoroughly process the car for items of evidentiary value.
Motor Vehicle Exception
Fourth Amendment protection against searching motor vehicles without a search warrant has diminished over time. In 1925, the court ruled in Carroll v. United States (2657 U.S. 132)9 that if there was probable cause for an officer to secure a search warrant, it may be impractical because the vehicle was movable.
In a 1981 case (New York v. Belton, 453 U.S. 454)10, the Supreme Court ruled that when a police officer arrests a person in a vehicle, the officer may search the vehicle s passenger compartment, including any open or closed containers, but not the trunk.
In 1999, the court ruled in Maryland v. Dyson (527 U.S. 465)11 that a warrantless search of a vehicle may be justified if an officer has probable cause to believe the vehicle contains contraband, controlled substances or criminal evidence. The court reiterated that although the search is limited to areas where the officer has probable cause to believe an item may be located, the search extends to any container found that might contain the item.
Keep in mind that stopping a vehicle for a routine violation doesn t mean there s probable cause to believe the vehicle contains contraband, controlled substances or evidence of a crime.
It has been my experience that obtaining a search warrant is almost always preferable than searching a person, place or thing without one. Officers must keep in mind that just because we re legally able to search without a warrant, it doesn t mean it s the wise thing to do.
  1. Minnesota v. Dickerson, 113 S. Ct. 2130 (1993)
  2. Mincey v. Arizona (1978).
  3. United States v. Robinson, 17 414 U.S. 218).
  4. Chimel v. California, 395 U.S. 752 (1969).
  5. Illinois v. Rodriguez 497 U.S. 177).
  6. Schneckloth v. Bustamonte, 412 U.S. 218).
  7. Horton v. California (496 U.S. 128).
  8. South Dakota v. Opperman (428, U.S. 364).
  9. Carroll v. United States (2657 U.S. 132).
  10. New York v. Belton, 453 U.S. 454).
  11. Maryland v. Dyson (527 U.S. 465).
Several weeks latter they moved me to what they called the “annex”, basically an office building converted into a mini jail. This is where they put their low risk prisoners. There were multiple inmates in each dorm, all the doors to the dorms were never locked. At some point before I got there, they had covered the windows so you could not see out of them. According to one of the guards, this was due to an incident that had occurred, where one of the inmates wives would stand in the street and expose herself to him while he was standing at the window.
Too compound this misery, we were not let outside at any point. According to the facility staff, their reasoning was that there were no facilities for it. So here I sat tired, beaten, broken, and driven mad from literally walking up and down the hall of this building for 16 hours out of 24 in a day, not able to see the outside, breath fresh air or as fresh as one can get in Newark NJ anyway, but it was all I could do.
After several months of this, there came word that my lawyer was coming to see me. The day came and I was led to a meeting room, in my right hand I held my copy of Thomas Paine’s Rights Of Man. In my left my case file. I was totally unprepared for what was about to happen next. He entered the room with a smile the first time I had seen him do so and plopped a pile of paperwork on the table. “I have good news! your judge and prosecutor where changed and he is willing to cut a deal”. I was not happy with this, I wanted the case thrown out on the grounds of illegal search and seizure.
I expressed this to him yet again to no avail. He just said “listen, this is a good deal, 5 years probation and a psyche evaluation. Thats it.” He sat back in his seat and continued “You could be out of here in the next couple of days, you could be back home” I became despondent, then I processed the information and it strengthened my resolve. I blurted out “why would they give me such a great deal, unless they hoped I would take it and avoid trial.” he was nonplussed by this, and retorted “As your legal council I am telling you to take the deal, if you want to take this to trial it will be another year at best, on top of that you are most likely going to loose”. I never took into consideration even the thought of loosing, it wasn’t possible in my own mind. But when I showed the court evidence that there was wrong doing on their part. I was going to be sentenced for a minimum of 35 years. He was right. I was wrong.
None the less I continued to try to rationalize this, “I didn’t kill or hurt anyone nor was I planning to, and they didn’t find any evidence that suggested I would, and furthermore in all of the interviews the FBI did with my friends, family and co-workers, they could not find one person that had any doubt of my sanity or morale standing, not one.” this was met with silence.
Looking back at all I had been through, the corruption, the deception. I knew it in my heart. I was going to loose if I took this to trial. So slumping down in my chair I said “ok we do this your way, for the record I am not happy with it.” he sighed “you are making the right choice, your charges will be downgraded too 2, failure to register a firearm and the improper storage of dangerous chemicals, think of it like this, you complete the probation and 5–10 years down the road after your final day you get your record expunged.” This is unique to NJ, for certain offenses your criminal record can be sealed all the way up to the federal level. All for a hefty fee of course.
A week passed and I had my day in court. While being held in the cell adjacent to the courtroom the prosecutor came in to speak to me. He was nice, an older gentleman from the midwest as I can recall. His tone was that of sympathy, and I’m still not sure whether this was some sort of ploy to get me to agree to the deal but I had already signed the papers so probably not. Regardless of that he explained that there was media outside and because of that he explained “We can’t just throw this case out you know, the media is still keen on seeing you convicted.” and thats when it all came crashing down around me.
He knew, this man knew my rights had been infringed. He knew that If I had gone to trial I would have been acquitted on the spot, but I was just another conviction under his belt. And is this was not the case, the fact that he would only seek a conviction based on the medias expectations, this shows the state of affairs in the NJ justice system. He also informed me that they had abruptly changed the time of my sentencing, so that the proceedings could take place in relative peace. Without the presence of the media. Who latter reported on my sentence.
It proceeded without incident. I was sentenced to 1 year of time served, 5 years probation with the condition that I submit myself to a psyche evaluation within the first month of my release. I still was not happy with the outcome. I remain convinced that due process had not been applied to me.
I reported for probation. On my first day the officer assigned to me stared in amazement at my file. He had apparently in his 20 something years of doing his job, never seen someone with my charges ever receive probation. He openly and vocally mocked me and even went soo far as to call me “the next unabomber” to the other officers he brought in to his office to gawk at me. They all laughed at my expense. Unbeknownst to them I was just a harmless goof ball, and their accusations really did cut to the bone, but I held my tongue. I have had and will always have thick skin you see.
I was directed to attend a month of bi-weekly therapy sessions with a psychologist, with the express purpose of determining my morality and mental stability. After completion of this I was given a clean bill of health by the doctor, who filled out a report on me, and she even wrote in her closing statements “If anyone has a right to responsibly own a gun it is him”, an addition I believe that was unnecessary, but was a boost to my self esteem.
I completed my probation, got married, and landed a good career. But this ordeal has done damage to me. I now have a fear, and distrust for police even when they are in line at the coffee shop in front of me, even meeting a cop out of uniform makes me uncomfortable. My trust in the system has all been stripped away and I will spend the rest of my life constantly looking over my shoulder. I have panic attacks when people knock on my door and honestly avoid answering it all together. So in conclusion don’t bring your firearms to NJ in fact if you want to exercise your rights maybe find another state that will respect them.
submitted by skycaptain144238 to u/skycaptain144238 [link] [comments]

STUMP Sheet Text w/Grunt's full list

Hello centipedes of The_Donald!

I would like to give a YUUUUUUUGE THANK YOU to GruntNoises, Osiris1925, DonaldTheKing, RedditPolitician_, and shitsinyoursafespace for collecting links and helping put this together and putting their time into this, you were truly a wonderful team to work with!
I will be updating this as much as possible. Please comment below or PM me if you have any other issues, topics, or links to add to the existing list.
The character limit was reached on this post, so there will be extended lists for some of the topics below, simply click on "Continued" to see further links. **NOTE: Because the limit was reached, additional links/info will be added into the "Continued" lists which you will have to click on.
This cheat sheet will be permanently linked in the sidebar below the rules for future reference!


  1. CNN Interviews Angry ‘Protestor’ who is Really Cameraman John Grkovic
  2. CNN Claims Anti-Trump Protest in Cincinatti, Shows Month Old Photo from Los Angeles
  3. CNN’s Headline News Interviews Hero, Blurs Out his “Trump 2016” Shirt
  4. CNN Reporter Caught Misrepresenting Hillary Clinton Crowd Sizes
  5. CNN’s Chris Cuomo Admits that CNN & the Media are Hillary Clinton’s Biggest Promoters
  6. CNN’s Cuomo To Obama’s Education Secretary: CNN will ‘shame’ Congress into Accepting your Plan
  7. CNN Disputes Existence of Hillary Audiotapes; CNN Reported on the Same Tapes Previously
  8. CNN Edits Out Clinton’s Use of the Word ‘Bomb,’ Attacks Trump for Saying ‘Bomb’
  9. CNN Deceptively Edits Trump Interview, Swaps His Answers to Different Questions to Manufacture Claim he Wants to Start a 'Muslim registry'
  10. CNN Edits Out the Word ‘Crooked’ when Reporting Trump’s Tweet on Hillary
  11. CNN Falsely Claims Trump Told Crowd to Vote Twice, then Stealth Edits its Story, but Only After Media Outlets Report CNN's Lie
  12. CNN Denies Facts About Hillary’s Legal Career; CNN Previously Reported Those Same Exact Facts - down to the exact words.
  13. CNN Repeatedly Claims George Bush Sr. Signed NAFTA. It was Bill Clinton
  14. CNN Falsely Claims Loretta Lynch Recused Herself of All Clinton-Related Decisions
  15. CNN’s Donna Brazile Caught Sneaking Debate Questions to Hillary Clinton
  16. CNN’s Pam Brown Caught Coaching a Presidential Debate Focus Group
  17. CNN Caught Colluding with DNC on Questions for Trump, Cruz
  18. CNN Seen Planting Questions in Healthcare Debate; Paper Says “Your Question”
  19. CNN Executive’s Spouse Caught Colluding with DNC, Tipping Them Off on Unreleased Polls
  20. CNN Claims Election Hacking is Impossible Before Election, Blames Trump’s Victory on Hacking
  21. CNN Reports on ‘Election Hacking’ with Footage from Fallout 4 Video Game
  22. CNN Headline Falsely Implies Damning Info About Trump’s Contact with Russia
  23. CNN Pushes Fake News Story About Russians Hacking Vermont Power Grid
  24. CNN Falsely Reports that Russia Retaliated to Sanctions by Closing American School
  25. CNN Contributor Falsely Asserts that WikiLeaks’ Julian Assange is a Pedophile
  26. CNN’s Dan Merica Claims there’s Nothing to See in WikiLeaks; CNN’s Dan Merica is Implicated in Wikileaks
  27. CNN Falsely Tells Viewers that it is Illegal to View WikiLeaks
  28. CNN ”Loses Connection” When Congressman Brings Up WikiLeaks
  29. CNN “Loses Connection” When Reporter Brings Up Hillary’s Past Criminal Justice Reforms
  30. CNN “Loses Connection” When Muslim Trump Supporter Brings Up Amir Khan’s Wife
  31. CNN “Loses Connection” When Congressman Brings Up FBI’s Terrorism Stats on Refugees
  32. CNN “Loses Connection” When Guest Brings Up Jesus (and Preaches Unity) in Wake of Ferguson Shooting
  33. CNN “Loses Connection” When Marine Expresses Support for Ron Paul
  34. CNN “Loses Connection” When Bernie Sanders Jokes that CNN is ‘Fake News’
  35. CNN Falsely Labels the Metal Band Hatebreed as a White Supremacy Group
  36. CNN Equates African Americans with Felons
  37. CNN’s Charles Kaiser, who is white, has a debate with an African American guest. Kaiser states that Steve Bannon “uses the word nigger.” The CNN moderator, Dana Bash, begins crying and ends the interview. Kaiser later admits that Bannon never used the N-word and then he apologizes, unclear to whom.
  38. CNN Reporter Claims That Trump Only Meets with ‘Mediocre Negroes’ & Black Entertainers; Trump Met with MLK III Earlier that Day and Plans to Meet with over 100 African American Leaders, Few of Whom are Entertainers
  39. CNN Uses False Story for Absurd Report, Discusses ‘If Jews are People’
  40. CNN Contributor Falsely Claims Trump Told the Crowd at a Rally to Give the Nazi Salute
  41. CNN Reporter Compares Trump to Hitler at Journalism Event; CNN President Looks on as he Bids on Obama Photos
  42. CNN Falsely Claims (over and over) that Donald Trump Called for “Racial Profiling”
  43. CNN Headline Implies Trump’s Executive Order Caused Hawaii Man’s Death
  44. CNN’s Errol Lewis Pushes False Story that Trump’s Executive Order Caused Michigan Woman’s Death
  45. CNN Falsely Reports White House Staffers Gifted Sean Spicer Several Supersoakers
  46. CNN Says Secret Service had Several’ Meetings with Trump About 2nd Amendment Comment; It had Zero
  47. CNN Falsely Claims Melania Trump Blew Off Akie Abe During Japanese Visit
  48. CNN Falsely Claims Trump Brought Neil Hardiman to DC as a ‘decoy’; Hardin wasn’t in DC to Begin with
  49. CNN’s Jeff Zelaney Pushes Fake Story About Supreme Court ‘Twitter Contest’
  50. CNN Falls for Fake News About CNN, Apologizes for Airing Porn it Never Aired
  51. CNN Host Cites False Tweet From Democrat Senator as 'Best Resource' to Attack Sessions
  52. CNN’s Brian Stelter Falls for Fake News, Promotes YouTube Prankster’s Hoax Video
  53. CNN Popularizes the term ‘Fake News’, Later Says it’s Like the N-word
  54. CNN lies about Nancy Sinatra’s Reaction to Trump’s Song Choice at Inauguration
  55. CNN Falsely Claims it Tied Fox News for Ratings on Trump’s Inauguration Day
  56. CNN Demands Dr. Drew Retract Statements on Hillary Clinton’s Health, Cancels His Show Because of the Comments
  57. CNN Fakes Satellite Feed; Same Bus Seen in the Background
  58. CNN Prioritizes Donald Trump’s Choice of Cutlery Over Chemical Warfare
  59. CNN Crew Caught Joking About President Trump Dying in a Plane Crash
  60. CNN Confuses Faith Evans with Faith Hill, Announces Hill’s Collaboration with Biggie Smalls
  61. CNN Reports on Breitbart’s Julia Hahn, Misidentifies Breitbart’s Julia Hahn
  62. CNN Reports on Former CIA Director, Picture is of Dead TV Host with Same Name
  63. CNN Reports on Ghana Election; Story is Riddled with False Statements
  64. CNN Makes Questionable Report on Hospital, Hospital CEO's Lawsuit is Successful Well so Far
  65. CNN Anchor Claims 12 year old Girls are ‘the problem’ for Not Wanting to See Penises
  66. CNN Reports on ‘ISIS Flag’ at Gay Pride Parade; Flag Depicts Dildos & Buttplugs
  67. CNN Reports Deadliest Terrorist Attack in Germany Since 1980: ‘truck crash’
  68. CNN’s Don Lemon Falsely Claims Anyone Can Buy an Automatic Weapon, Has No Idea What an Automatic Weapon is
  69. CNN Runs Highly Misleading Headline About Congressional Action on Gun Control
  70. CNN Pushes the Widely Debunked “Hands Up, Don’t Shoot” Narrative (Ferguson)
  71. CNN Deceptively Edits Video of Keith Scott Shooting, Removes Police Yelling ‘Drop the Gun’ (Charlotte)
  72. CNN Edits Out Sherelle Smith’s Calls for Violence, Reports her Message of ‘Peace’ (Milwaukee)
  73. CNN Reporter Claims Baltimore Police Officers are Military Veterans ‘ready to do battle’
  74. CNN Anchor Says Gunman who Stormed Dallas Police HQ was ‘courageous & brave’, Gives Nonapology
  75. CNN’s Don Lemon on Torture of Young Man with Special Needs: ‘I don’t think it’s evil’
  76. CNN Claims Howard Stern Verified Story on Trump; Howard Stern Directly States that CNN is Lying
  77. CNN Publishes Story Saying La La Land Won Best Picture; Moonlight Won
Link to Album


  1. Muslim Gangs Continue To Terrorize 55 Neighborhoods, Police Powerless
  2. Leading Swedish mall turned into ‘no-go zone’ by migrant teen gangs
  3. Three police officers injured after being ATTACKED by thugs
  4. Adult Refugees Enrolled In Canadian High School, Harassing Young Girls
  5. Interview with a Syrian Refugee who wanted an education, had to hide it from her husband, married to him at 14
  6. Syrian Refugee Enrolled In Canadian High School Sexually Assaulted 14-Year-Old Girl
  7. 180 rapes, assaults and robberies by migrants in just ONE German city
  8. Sharia Law in America
  9. 2 asylum seekers suspected of sexually harassing 5 girls in German swimming pool
  10. A female must wear a Hijib because to Muslim men her entire body is a “SEX ORGAN”
  11. Moroccan immigrant drugs and rapes up to 230 women in Belgium.
  12. 99.6% of Suicide Attacks in 2015 Were Committed by..... Muslims
  13. 1,500 British schoolgirls kidnapped and raped by Muslims in England, covered up for years.
  14. Grenade attacks in Sweden over the years. Link to Wikipedia page
  15. Swedish women in a wheel-chair gets gangraped by 6 refugees.
  16. Muslims are 12% of France's population, but make up 70% of their prisoners
  17. More Than 90 Percent of Middle Eastern Refugees on Food Stamps
  18. 380 of 580 Terrorism Cases From 2001-2014 Involved Foreign-Born Islamists
  19. Japan decides to let in 27 muslims. 2 of them immediately commit rape and robbery.
  20. 16-year-old girl among four arrested for allegedly plotting terror attack in Paris.
  21. Syrian refugee touches multiple teen girls in Edmonton waterpark.
  23. Swedish Police Chief advises girls: "Don't go out after sunset or you'll be raped"
  24. Minnesota Teen Attacked By Knife Wielding Somali Mumbling in Another Language
  25. Migrant breaks girl's nose for refusing sex advances - then knocks out her rescuer
  26. Islam is NOT a religion of peace
  27. Muslim carrying "Islamic writings" shoots, kills transit officer in Denver, CO
  28. Liberal Teacher Houses Refugee and His Family, Refugee Murders Him
  29. Muslim "refugees" attack German guards with iron bars and knives in incident at refugee center.
  30. Canadian teen sexually assaulted by 2 Syrian Refugees at school dance, left traumatized
  31. Syrian Refugee fights 2-month sentence after raping two underage Swedish girls. Thinks punishment is too severe.
  32. Sweden is burning - Electrical company can't get in to parts of Malmo due to security concerns of 'refugee' population
  33. Sudanese Refugee in Utah Impregnates 13 year old child
  34. Refugee Stabbed Girlfriend 30 Times, Beheaded Her During 'Horrific Ritual Killing'
  35. Muslim Refugee Who Raped 10-Year-Old Boy Gets Pass Because He Didn't Know It Was Wrong
  36. FAMILY of nine Iraqi asylum seekers 'gang raped drunk Austrian woman for hours as she begged and pleaded them to stop in one of the most violent rape cases in AUSTRIA
  37. Refugee from Afghanistan Charged With Assault After Blocking DeVos From Entering School


A list displaying the liberal violence
  1. Female Trump supporter pepper sprayed while being interviewed at Berekley
  2. Compilation of Trump supporters being beaten by leftist thugs
  3. Protesters in vandalize a Trump supporter's Jeep.
  4. INSANE leftists maniacs ravage the streets of DC; break storefront windows
  5. Anti-Trump protester sets Trump supporter's hair on fire
  6. Anti-Trump Protesters Attack San Diego Police at Trump Rally
  7. ANTIFA SCUM pepper spray elderly man in Berkeley
  8. Girl gets a backpack thrown in her face for supporting our President
  9. 9 Deadliest Leftist/Anti-Trump Attacks
  10. Jewish reporter tries to interview ANTIFA. Gets called a Nazi and violently attacked!


  1. Young white, mentally ill male kidnapped, beaten, tortured, forced to drink toilet water, and threatened with death, as his kidnappers scream about Trump and repeatedly insist that he denounce Trump and white people; his kidnappers livestreamed their racist hate crime on Facebook as if it was perfectly natural.
  2. Trump supporter (from above) forced to drink toilet water
  3. Trump supporter (from above) threatened to get shanked
  4. 69 year old woman left with bloody head wound after 27 year old man brutally beats her with a chair for supporting Trump, tolerant leftist charged with attempted homicide
  5. 15 Year-old punched and kicked by several classmates for wearing MAGA hat, punched, thrown to the ground and kicked, charges filed
  6. Man beaten by multiple assailants for voting Trump as they taunt him; His description
  7. Hispanic man chased and beaten by a mob for wearing MAGA hat
  8. 11 Year old elementary student beaten by classmates, left in crutches, for voting Trump in mock election
  9. Trump supporter shot during political argument
  10. Female in high school being beaten by another student for posting pro-Trump Instagram comment, as classmates cheer British national tries to assassinate Donald Trump, tries to steal gun from Las Vegas police officer at Trump rally
  11. Bloody violence against Trump supporters outside San Jose rally
  12. Teen chased by mob, tackled, hit multiple times for supporting Trump at a rally; two arrested.
  13. Man sucker punched, knocked to ground for supporting Trump at a rally
  14. Man struck with object from behind ends up bleeding, for supporting Trump at a rally
  15. Not sure if this is all San Jose, but appears to document multiple individual assaults.
  16. Anti-police rioters kicking a homeless man for being white near anti-police riot, all cheer
  17. Anti-police protestors beat reporter unconscious, then try to drag him into a fire, because they're mad
  18. Man left bloody for attending a Trump rally, rocks thrown at cars, etc, in Costa Mesa. 17 arrests from the riot.
  19. Two men beat Trump supporter for holding sign, police intervene to save him
  20. 62 year old man beaten with crowbar for wearing Trump shirt, in front of witnesses
  21. Mob of anti-police rioters attacking a young white man, cheering as they beat, drag and strip him
  22. High school student beaten into critical condition for posting BlueLivesMatter on Facebook. Police arrest four men who previously attended his High School
  23. High School Senior Beaten by mob for wearing American flag hat at UW Milo Yiannopoulos event, drenched with paint, dragged into crowd of "peaceful protestors"
  24. Trump supporter attacked by rioters for trying to extinguish fires lit by rioters at Trump Inauguration
  25. Kansas City Man beat by six teens after they ask him who he voted for
  26. 32 year old Mitchell Mormon shot and killed during already raging argument where he voiced support for Trump. Witnesses claim that the murder victim's antagonistic statement regarding Trump escalated the argument
  27. A crowd surrounding, menacing, bumping and yelling at an old, homeless black lady, for supporting Trump who eventually falls over then jeer at her
  28. Anti-Trump protesters throw eggs at female Trump supporter
  29. Chicago police officer beaten by anti-Trump animals
  30. Trump supporter beaten by anti-Trump rioters in California
(497) German military man plotted to assasinate a public figure and blame it on a Syrian migrant. (Archive) 5/9/2017
(496) Note with slurs against black people posted at St. Olaf College in Minnesota was actually posted by the black student who reported it. (Archive) 4/29/2017
(495) Antifa members posed as free speech supporters giving the Hitler salute during a rally at University of California, Berkeley. (Archive) 4/20/2017
(494) Black man set fire to, and left racist note in front of an Indian/Nepali market invoking Trump's name and signed the letter as White America. (Archive) 4/7/2017
(493) Black Tesla employee lied about racial insults from coworkers after he was denied a promotion for posting pictures of confidential Tesla technology online. (Archive) 3/27/2017
(492) Black lawyer for the International Court of Justice accused the Hague police for racially motivated brutality. Video surveillance showed no such thing. (Archive) 3/26/2017
(491) Black teen staged hoax attack at pro-Trump rally, used picture from 2014. (Archive) 3/25/2017
(490) Black teen staged hoax attack at pro-Trump rally, used picture from 2013. (Archive) 3/25/2017
(489) Diversity Leadership Council at Adolphus College spread hateful flyers around campus, blaming white people, in an effort to spread "awareness". (Archive) 3/24/2017
(488) Jewish Israeli behind dozens of threats against Jewish centers across America. (Archive) 3/23/2017
(487) Black man spray painted racist, mysogynistic and anti-gay graffiti which read "Go back to hell, black women" on several churches in Charleston, South Carolina including a library named after a woman killed by Dylann Roof. (Archive) 3/13/2017
(486) Gay man lied about being the victim of an anti-gay attack in Madison Square Garden. When police reviewed surveillance video, it showed the attack never happened. (Archive) 3/12/2017
(485) Black men spray painted KKK around Newark, New Jersey. (Archive) 3/12/2017
(484) Threatening graffiti at East Jefferson High School in Louisiana implicating white students was actually done by one Hispanic and one Indian student. (Archive) 3/10/2017
(483) Muslim professor at Indiana State University was the culprit behind anti-Muslim emails sent to himself and others. He also falsely reported he was physically attacked. (Archive) 3/8/2017
(482) White woman in Denison, Oklahoma who wandered into a church bloodied and wearing only a bra and underwear lied that it was the result of three black men kidnapping and raping her. (Archive) 3/8/2017
(CONTINUED - 450+ MORE!](https://www.reddit.com/StumpSheet/comments/6ec3z1/fake_hate_crimes_official/)


  1. Madonna Says She Wants To Blow Up the White House
  2. Crazy SJW thinks microscope in a classroom is a KKK rally
  3. LIBERAL THUGS Attack Navy SEAL Widow At Congressional Address!
  4. Jailed Illegal Alien Rosa Ortega Says What She Did Is Not a Real Crime – After Illegally Voting 5 Times!
  5. Standing Rock Protesters Leave Behind Enough Trash to Create Environmental Crisis
  6. "Environmentalists" leave behind 250 truckloads worth of trash at Dakota pipeline protest site
  7. Zombified Liberals Go Insane
  8. INSANE SJW goes ballistic after Trump gets sworn in as President
  9. Mom kicks kid out of house for voting Trump in school election
  10. Liberals believe Trump's kids killed a dinosaur and Saber Tooth Tiger
  11. Nanci Pelosi still thinks Bush is President
  12. Gay Liberal freaks out when touched by a female CNN panelist


  1. New York Times reporting on made up quotes from Trump's CPAC Speech
  2. Yahoo falsely claims Clinton got most votes ever
  3. Time Magazine falsely reported that Trump had removed the Martin Luther King Jr. Bust from the Oval Office
  4. ABC News Admits To Editing Ari Fleischer’s Praise Of Trump’s Press Secretary To Sound Like Attack
  5. Media Was SILENT When Leaked Audio Revealed Hillary Wanted To Rig Foreign Elections!
  7. Illegal Immigrant Mom Kills Own 4yo Daughter 'For Not Brushing Her Teeth,' Media Hides Illegal Status
  8. Man Who Claimed Mom Died In Iraq Due to Trump’s ‘Ban’ FUCKING LIED!
  9. NBC Blows Up Truck for Fake News Story
  10. ABC Fakes Crime Scene for Fake News Story
  11. Nancy Pelosi Uses Fake Tweet as "Evidence" of Watergate-sized Conspiracy in the Trump Administration
  13. CNN tells voters what to say
  14. CNN thinks Trump using forks to eat KFC is more important than a poisonous gas attack
  15. CNN Reporter Whines On Live TV About Trump Ignoring His Questions!
  16. CNN Won't Report That It Costs $64,370 To Resettle Just ONE Refugee. CNN Is Fake Newsv


  1. Softbank to invest $50B in U.S., create 50,000 jobs:
  2. House Speaker Paul Ryan lies about, then removes H-2B visa program from continuing resolution
  3. US Steel wants to bring jobs back to the US due to Trump's policy proposals
  4. LED and LCD display maker Trans-Lux moves manufacturing to US in anticipation of election win
  5. Ford to scrap Mexico plant, invest in Michigan; CEO cites Trump policies
  6. Fiat Chrysler announces $1B investment in U.S. manufacturing, 2,000 new jobs
  7. GM announces $1B investment
  8. Bayer announces $1B investment
  9. Hyundai announces $3.1B investment
  10. Toyota to invest $600M in Indiana
  11. Miami-Dade mayor ends sanctuary city policy
  12. LG Electronics to build $250 million home appliance plant in U.S.
  14. Trump to roll out strict measures targeting criminal illegal immigrants, hire 10,000 ICE officers
  15. ICE Rounds Up 44 Criminal Aliens in Texas Capital
  16. ICE 'Most Wanted Fugitive' Captured!
  17. A school in Sweden that won an award for taking the most migrants has now been deemed a hellhole
  18. Even LIBERAL Poll Shows Majority Of Americans Support ALL Of Trump’s Executive Orders!
  19. Texas Senate Votes To Ban Sanctuary Cities. Passes 20-11
  20. Pennsylvania Senate passes bill to defund Sanctuary Cities within state! 2 Dems even voted for it!
  21. 235,000 new jobs in February 2017, wages continue to climb
  22. IMPORTANT: Trump's first 50 days: 235k jobs, cut debt 68B, stock market record high, killed TPP, border crossings down 40%, revitalizing coal industry, manufacturing at its most robust since 1984, small/medium biz confident about future, EO to end sanctuary cities and more
  23. BASED /pol/ autist finds "He will not divide us" flag by tracking plane flights. Takes the flag down, and puts up a MAGA hat flag!
Here's an article explaining how it was done! (#23)


  1. George Soros funds 'Day Without a Woman' supporters with $246,000,000
  2. George Soros funds Ferguson protests, hopes to spur civil action
  4. Hillary PAC Spends $1 Million to ‘Correct’ Commenters on Reddit and Facebook
  5. CTR, now known as "ShareBlue" has been shilling on Reddit and is being paid for by David Brock
  6. Soros Funded 100 Groups Behind 'Day Without a Woman' Protest
  7. Study finds that 60% of comments defending Obamacare on Facebook are posted by just 100 accounts, who are only active during office hours


  1. Wikileaks official website about Vault 7.
  2. Analysis of what was released in Vault 7.
  3. Examples, includes and explains UMBRAGE.
  4. Vault 7 FAQ.
  5. Vault 7 doc list.
  6. CIA can hack cars to carry out undetectable assassinations
  7. CIA lost control of their own hacking tools
  8. CIA hoarded back door exploits on iPhones, Android phones, and Microsoft Windows
  9. One article which compiles all of these.
  10. Vault 7 Timeline




Previous STUMP Cheat Sheets:
STUMP Cheat Sheet 3 - (Election Day Edition)
STUMP Cheat Sheet 2 - (2nd, Updated Megathread)
Stump Cheat Sheet 1 - (1st Megathread)


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Terrorism Tip Line 866-4-SAFE-NJ or 866-472-3365 (toll-free) In case of emergency, dial 9-1-1 or your local police. To obtain a Newark police report, you must fill out and file a request under the New Jersey Open Public Records Act. The form is provided in PDF format for easy downloading and printing. Fill out the records request form. In the requester information box, provide your name, mailing address, email and phone number. The New Jersey Self-Reporting Crash form (SR-1) is used to report a crash that was not investigated by the police and it is the only form that can be used for this purpose. New Jersey Self-Reporting Crash form (SR-1) (pdf 118k) Cherry Hill, NJ 08002 856-482-5156 . Write a letter to the Superintendent of State Police or the Office of Professional Standards Supervisor at: P.O. Box 7068 West Trenton, NJ 08628-0068 Fax (609) 882-2033 Although the recommended method for making a complaint is to respond to Internal Affairs located on the 1st floor of 494 Broad Street, Newark, NJ, 07102, complaints can also be filed: In person: Go to any police facility and ask to speak to the highest ranking supervisor on duty. By Email: Email the complaint to [email protected] Newark Mayor Ras J. Baraka had a vision to consolidate the Police, Fire, Office of Emergency Management and Homeland Security under the newly created Department of Public Safety. The merger enhances public safety by reducing costs and making the operations of police, fire and OEM more efficient and effective. Welcome to the Newark Police Division Citizens Online Reporting Program. If this is an Emergency, call 911. To make your complaint online, ALL of the following statements MUST BE TRUE: This is not an emergency. The incident occurred within the City of Newark, New Jersey limits. There are no known suspects. The incident did not occur on a State Highway. 3. When a situation, problem, or incident, requires a Police Report, the Officer will request a Case Number. The incident becomes a case, and the Officer will document the event by creating a Police Report. The Police Officer is the trained expert in the field and determines the appropriate actions needed to resolve issues with in our community. Email your completed Records Request form to [email protected]. Request your report by fax. Fax your completed Records Request form to (973) 424-4116. Fees for your report. The fee for your report is $1.50 for the first page and $0.75 for all additional pages. CASH ONLY, credit or debit cards are not accepted. Crash Report Information Traffic Records Unit Discovery. Crash Report Requests On-Line - https://www.njportal.com/njsp/crashreports/ Crash Report Request Form by Mail

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Mayor Baraka and Public Safety Director Ambrose announce the grand opening of the City of Newark’s 6th Precinct located at 491 Irvington Avenue in Newark's I... Police bodycam footage shows officers pepper-spraying a 15-year-old girl following a bicycle accident with a vehicle in Maryland.SUBSCRIBE to ABC NEWS: https... Welcome to the official CBS New York Channel! Your home for the latest news and The Best Of New York. Subscribe on YouTube: http://www.youtube.com/user/C... Enjoy the videos and music you love, upload original content, and share it all with friends, family, and the world on YouTube. About Press Copyright Contact us Creators Advertise Developers Terms Privacy Policy & Safety How YouTube works Test new features Press Copyright Contact us Creators ... Videos from NJ.com: New Jersey local news, features, award-winning documentaries and high school sports coverage from the staff of NJ Advance Media, The Star-Ledger and affiliates. https://www ... Real World Police is an investigative video news program covering US law enforcement and crime. We publish original reporting and exclusive footage, routinely scooping traditional media outlets on ... The American Civil Liberties Union of New Jersey and the Civil Rights and Constitutional Litigation Clinic at Seton Hall Law School today announced a lawsuit... A department in the Garden State confiscated hundreds of fake and expired handicapped parking tags. CBS2's Lisa Rozner reports. Hi! We're in New York City and hope you love us on YouTube as much as you do on television! FAQs Q: Where can I send a news tip? A: You can email us using the link below or give us a call at 917 ...

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